Rua: Leonel Pereira, 78 - Loja: 10

Cachoeira do Bom Jesus - Florianópolis/SC

(48) 3054-4800


Rodovia Armando Calil Bulos, 4898

Ingleses Norte da Ilha Florianópolis/Santa Catarina

(48) 99660-1058


Rua: Leonel Pereira, 78 - Loja: 10

Cachoeira do Bom Jesus - Florianópolis/SC

(48) 3054-4800


(48) 99660-1058


Learn more about us…

Throughout our business history there were always these few things that helped us the most in becoming a household name in plumbing. We mean those quality characteristics, which define whether a company is efficient and successful or not… For us, the majority of it lies within the quality of our team:

Our Team

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